In recent years, The Green Incubator has provided both financial support and incubator services to worthy local environmental protection activities.

These include:

·  Appeal fees to challenge tree removal permits for healthy urban trees;

·  Arborists’ reports to support preservation efforts

·  Events to highlight climate protection actions;

·  The Heartland Project of Habitat 2020

·  Sandhill Crane Recovery Planning

·  Litigation to protect habitat and to ensure environmental impacts of transportation and housing projects are
assessed and mitigated, and agricultural land is protected from sprawl

· Earth Day education activities

· Environmental film festivals

· Education projects on water conservation

· Protection of the American River and its Parkway, and the Cosumnes River corridor and its water supply

· Evaluation of mitigation programs for development impacts on the Swainson’s Hawk



Our mission is supporting grassroots citizen efforts to environmental education and protection in the Sacramento region. Green Incubator focuses on the sustainability of the region’s quality of life and increased appreciation and protection of our region’s environmental qualities and diversity.